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      1. Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



        ●  Most complete variety of monocular video microscope objectives in China

        ● Single Magnification Video Optical Systems, Lathe tool--setting Inclined Eyetube Microscope, Double Magnification Video Optical Systems, MTDP Infinity Monocular Video Optical Systems

        ●  Over 200 models which configure different magnification, working distance, coaxial illuminator, optical path turn 90°, 180°double magnification and etc.

        ●  Applied for inspection and similar purpose on electric equipments, semiconductor, tin, printed stickers, wafer, LCD display.

        ●  Standard CS mount (the distance from the positioning surface to the target surface is 12.5mm), if C mount is needed (the distance is 17.5mm), it can be customized.

        ●   Visit our website to get more customized product information.

        Fixed Mag. Monocular Video Micro Series
        无码少妇中文AV,欧美激情精品久久久久久多,无卡无码高清中文字幕,少妇人妻精品无码专区 广元市| 砚山县| 平度市| 新密市| 任丘市| 余江县| 于田县| 临泉县| 辉县市| 大悟县| 华坪县| 固原市| 尖扎县| 呼图壁县| 石屏县| 岱山县| 噶尔县| 白朗县| 芜湖县| 思南县| 安龙县| 正蓝旗| 娱乐| 宁晋县| 萨嘎县| 泽州县| 富平县| 高阳县| 苍梧县| 绥滨县| 措美县| 金昌市| 田东县| 辉南县| 惠水县| 得荣县| 钟祥市| 南岸区| 富宁县| 普宁市| 原阳县|