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      1. Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



        Position:  > Product  >  Attachments  >  Stereo Microscopes Attachments  > Bracket

        Help operators orientation apace and exactly,. Lessen the neck tired after long time observing.


         Model :Bracket
          · Character: Two stainless steel guide rail, can adjust its height and angle accroding to the operators' forehead position. The part which is osculated by forehead is corium cushion. It is soft. It can be clean with litmusless cleanser. 
          · Applied range: all the stereo microscopes of our company
          · Use: Help operators orientation apace and exactly when they use stereo microscope with eyepieces to observe object. Avoid the head rocks to affect the binocular observing. Lessen the neck tired after long time observing.

        Bracket exemplify



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