1. <sup id="xljoz"></sup>

    2. <table id="xljoz"><listing id="xljoz"></listing></table>
      1. Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)



        Auxiliary objectives

        Auxiliary objectives used in MZD series:

           Model:0.5X、0.7X、2X auxiliary

              Connect the auxiliary objective under the MZD series zoom 
           monocular video microscope systems, can change the total 
            magnification and the working?distance. User can select it 
           according to the magnification?and working distance.
           Working distance:
               D-W0.5 :195mm
               D-W0.7 :145mm 
               D-W2.0 :35mm

        DH-W0.5 exemplify



        Auxiliary objectives used in MZDH series: 

           Model:0.3X、0.5X、0.75X、0.9X、1X、1.5X、2X、4.5X auxiliary objectives 

               Connect the auxiliary objective under the MZD series zoom monocular video microscope systems, can change the total magnification and the working distance. User can select it according to the magnification and working distance.
           Working distance:

                    DH-W0.3 : 293mm

                        DH-W0.4 : 223mm

                     DH-W0.5 : 175mm

                        DH-W0.6 : 145mm

                    DH-W0.75 :117mm 
                    DH-W0.9 : 93mm 
                   DH-W1.0 : 83mm 
                   DH-W1.5 : 54mm
                   DH-W2.0 :35mm
                DH-WP4.5 : 16mm           

        DH-W0.75 exemplify



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