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      1. Guilin Microtech Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. (MTO)




        Model:SF5 Holder

        ·Metal coattail sliping block. The diameter of fixing post hole is Φ25mm.
        ·The measurement to match between the support and the main body is Φ45mm. The center distance of two hole is 140mm.

        SF5 Holder


        Model:SF10 Holder

        ·Glancing inching coaxial handwheel, can adjust the tension of glancing adjusting handwheel.
        ·The measurement to match between the support and the main body is Φ45mm. 
        ·The diameter of fixing post hole is Φ25mm. 
        ·The center distance of fixing main body hole and fixing post hole is 150mm.

        SF10 Holder


        Model:SF11 Holder

        ·Can adjust the focusing handwheel's tension, make sure the reliability in long-term use.
        ·The diameter of fixing post hole is Φ25mm. The measurement to match between the support and the main body is Φ45mm. The center distance of two hole is 140mm.

        SF11 Holder

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